
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ultimate Volcano Kit Review

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The Ultimate Volcano Science Kit!

We've turned this classic science experiment into the ultimate hands-on volcano experience! First you'll use the plaster and mold included to make your volcano chamber. Then you'll use the brush and paints included in the kit to decorate it. Next you'll make the volcano erupt over and over again with the eruption powder (included). Plus you'll get to examine 3 genuine volcanic specimens including: a real geode, an obsidian arrowhead, and a floating piece of volcanic rock called pumice. The information guide will teach you all about your specimens as well as how volcanoes form and why they erupt. Also included is an activity booklet with 10 fun games, puzzles, and challenges to complete. Because everything is included in the kit, you won't need to run to the store for additional supplies. If you're doing this project for the science fair, you'll love how nice this volcano looks---it's way better then those paper mache volcanoes. This is the perfect science kit for anyone interested in geology, earth science, or volcanoes.

AWARDS WON: Gold Award - Family Review Center 2012, Seal of Approval - Family Review Center - 2012, Kids Product of the Year - Creative Child Magazine -2012 and Seal of Approval - Toy Directory Monthly 2013.


Some tips for casting a successful volcano: the Ultimate Volcano directions call for one cup of water to be added to the plaster, and this amount works for most customers. However, if you have added a full cup and the mix still seems too thick to pour into the mold, stir in a little extra water, adding a bit at a time (up to 1/4 cup). The ideal consistency should be thick, but pourable. We also recommend working quickly and using cold water throughout, since warm or hot water can make the plaster harden more quickly.
(Product Description Copied)

I received this product free for my review!
My son loves doing home projects and what a wonderful way to learn without feeling like your in school! This is a great way to spend quality time together doing something fun and educational!

When we received the Volcano Kit my son bugged and bugged to be able to do the activity. So when I finally got some time to do it with him, he was oober excited!!

The instructions state:

  • Connect the two parts of the volcano mold. 
  • Place the mold upside down on top of the eruption chamber
  • Put the plaster in a disposable container and then add 1 cup of water
  • Use the stirring stick included in the kit to quickly mix the plaster and water together. Mix well
  • Pour the plaster into the volcano mold and let sit for 30-40 minutes
  • Once the plaster has set, remove all of the parts of the mold and use your stirring stick to scrape off any mold lines that are left behind
  • Let the plaster dry completely before you paint. Either put the plaster volcano in a sunny spot for 1-2 days. Or if you're in a hurry, ask an adult helper to put the volcano in the oven for 1-2 hours at about 200 degrees. Let it cool and you'll be ready to paint.

The first time we tried to mix the plaster, it hardened too fast and became a molded mess lol But tried again and it turned out fantastic!

Now my experience with the mold, I personally suggest only using 3/4 of the bag of plaster with the 1 cup of water. As the first try, the plaster hardened and wouldn't pour into the mold without clumping. I also ended up baking the volcano so that my son would be able to do the project faster! Below is what the volcano looked like before being baked and painted.

After I baked the volcano, my son went to work painting his masterpiece! 

Here is the finished volcano that my son made!!

My son had a blast, (pun intended!), pouring the plaster into the mold and painting his masterpiece! We both learned a lot about a volcano and what causes it to erupt!

The kit included everything we needed to make the volcano and make it erupt! There were fun educational workbooks that taught us things we didn't know about the structure of the Earth, what a ring of fire is, the different types of volcanoes and so much more.

The customer service is wonderful and do everything they can to make sure your experience with their product is fantastic and you are satisfied!

I would recommend this for any teacher, home schooled child or just as a fun activity to do with the kids anytime of the year!!

Check out these FREE SCIENCE PROJECTS that you can do with your kids or in the classroom!

* I received this product in exchange for my unbiased review. I was not compensated for my review and all my opinions are my own. One may or may not have the same results as myself when using this product. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. *

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