
Friday, February 27, 2015

Weight Loss Update for February 27th

Ok so today was the last day for my Biggest Loser challenge at work. No one was there at the office to weigh me in but according to my home scale I have lost a total of 16 pounds since I started this journey the beginning of January.

I was scared to take my after pictures because ....well....I personally didn't see a difference in my body. I could tell some in my legs but without measuring before I started I had no idea where I was losing.

When I did finally get the guts to take my after pictures and put them next to the before pictures....I literally started to cry. I could not believe the difference!!


If anyone tells you that walking doesn't make a difference, they are lying to you. I am here to tell you that I personally have lost 16 pounds so far in my journey and the majority of it was from just walking. Even if it's in place, it helps! I have also added a few other things into my workout and have started to eat healthier. In fact when I do eat something that isn't so good for me, I feel ill. I drank a soda the other day lol first one since I started and ewe. I couldn't bring myself to drink all of it and dumped it down the sink.

So are you all ready for these before and afters? Now don't get me wrong I am going to continue my journey and lose more but I want you to see what I have done so far!! I am down to 160 pounds. When I started I was at 176. So here we go!


I know right?

Now you see why I started to cry! I am so very proud of myself right now! And if this isn't motivation for anyone I don't know what is! I have worked hard the past few weeks and it's paid off more then I ever expected! So I will leave you now till next week! Much love for all of you out there taking this journey with me! 


  1. Congrats! You should be very proud of yourself!! You stuck to it & you've got the results to prove it. Pat yourself on the back :)

    1. I am very proud! I'm continuing on for another 6 weeks and see what I can do!! Wooo Hooo!

  2. Way to go! It gets easier once you get in the habit, but you're doing fantastic

    1. It does get easier! The hardest part for me was just getting started in the beginning lol

  3. Congratulations!! 16 pounds is an amazing amount of weight to lose in such a short period of time. If only losing was as easy as gaining, we would all be skinny minnies. You should feel proud of yourself!!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. I know right! I would be a skinny toothpick by now if it was that easy! But I know if I keep it up I will be exactly where I should be!

  4. Congratulations!! 16 pounds is an amazing amount of weight to lose in such a short period of time. If only losing was as easy as gaining, we would all be skinny minnies. You should feel proud of yourself!!! Keep up the good work!!
