
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Stay Hydrated with Shasta Sparkling Water + Giveaway!

This is a sponsored post written by With Open Eyes To See on behalf of Shasta Sparkling Water

A few days ago. I shared with you my journey to weight loss. Today, I want to talk about strategies that help in that journey.

One of the biggest things my trainers pushed was staying hydrated. Cutting out sodas, sugary juices, and candy. Sodas were the hardest thing for me to let go of. They tasted great and my thoughts were "It's liquid so therefore, I must be staying hydrated, right?

Interesting fact: Caffeine in sodas is actually a Diuretic. Soda, in turn, dehydrates you faster as the caffeine can make you urinate more often and you lose more fluids. Your body doesn't absorb these types of fluids as well, so your body just doesn't benefit in any way.

Sodas and juices also hold high sugar content, so if you're trying to lose weight, it will contradict anything you are trying to accomplish. Even those with lower calories and sugars. What alternatives are out there where you can get that sweet flavor without all the calories and sugar and help you to stay hydrated?

With so much out there on the market to choose from, it all comes down to reading your labels. Finding out what is and isn't in your beverage is important. For a while, I was big into those water additives. Those packets of flavoring you can add to your water to make it taste better. I didn't have that carbonated aspect I craved and looking at the labels, they also contained artificial sweeteners.

That is when I found Shasta Sparkling Water!

Introducing the ALL NEW Shasta Sparkling Water! A unique sparkling water line that is the FIRST Soft Drink Alternative and FIRST Clean Label in the beverage industry. Shasta Sparkling Water is a worry-free, guilt-free beverage that tastes just like a regular soda but without all the unhealthy additives. 

Connect with the brand:

The only ingredients in them are carbonated water and natural essence. I am now able to stay hydrated, get that sweet carbonation soda flavor I craved without all the sugar and caffeine.

AND it's made in the USA!

I was able to try the Black Cherry and the Root Beer Flavors and I have to say that I was impressed! Every sip was a refreshing hint of flavor with that kick of carbonation. The essence of flavor was light enough that it wasn't too overwhelming, yet enough to just get that burst of flavor I needed like in the sodas I used to drink. I am definitely hooked! I get everything I need all in a can of carbonated goodness without having to feel guilty about what I'm putting into my body. I can keep hydrated and keep on my meal plan all at the same time :) I recommend trying every flavor.

The Shasta Sparkling Water comes in several different flavors without the calories, sweeteners, sugars, and sodium so you get a variety of tastes you'll enjoy without the guilt of sugary drinks.

Lemon Lime- incorporates the crisp bubbly taste of Shasta Twist
California Orange- has that refreshing tangy zest of Shasta Orange
Black Cherry- shares sweet impressions of Shasta Black Cherry
Draft Root Beer- enjoy Vanilla and Sassafras just like Shasta Root Beer
Cola- blends soft tones of kola nut you'd taste in Shasta Cola

The benefits don't just end with staying hydrated. Drinking water can reduce your risk of health conditions such as diabetes, some forms of cancer, obesity and other health risks.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will keep you hydrated, your skin looking great and you won't feel sluggish all day long.

When looking for a carbonated beverage that has all the benefits of drinking water without sacrificing taste or your diet, Look for the brand that has been a household name since 1889,
Shasta Sparkling Water!

Enter to win a prize pack worth $19.99 including two cases of Shasta Sparkling Water and a Shasta T-shirt!

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* I received this product free or at a discounted price in exchange for my review. I was not compensated for my review and all opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. *
**Notice any unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from With Open Eyes To See is strictly prohibited.*

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